Monday, March 26, 2012

Springtime in England

The weather this past week has been unremittingly gorgeous. Blue skies, sunshine, in the 60’s. I love it. It’s funny how the British get on nice days…all the girls start wearing shorts even if it’s still a bit chilly and everyone just goes out on the field near the LRC to laze around. I went on a picnic the other day and some guy behind us was by himself juggling. Then I looked around a little while later and he had strung some rope between two trees and started tightrope walking. We acted like he was a weirdo but I think we were all just impressed.

Anyway, I’ve got most of my big assignments out of the way as far as schoolwork goes. On St. Patrick’s Day weekend I went to the St. Patrick’s Day parade in London. They had a huge stage set up in Trafalgar Square with live music and stands selling Irish foods and knickknacks. The parade was a bit random but still it was cool to be there, and we were right in the front.

This last Saturday I went on a day trip to Wales. We went to the town of Brecon, which is in a beautiful area known as the Brecon Beacons. I thought the landscape would be harsher and more mountainous but the Beacons are these huge, gently rolling green hills. There were sheep grazing all over and lambs chasing each other around, as well as horses and foals. We had to stop for a while to watch some lambs playing in a field. They are adorable (incidentally, they are also delicious in kababs).

Everywhere you looked it was just like a postcard or a page from a calendar. Amazing. The town of Brecon was nestled right in the midst of it. Brecon had the remnants of a castle as well as old stone bridges and cute shops. All of the signs in Wales are written in both Welsh and English—and some not even in English. I also saw several signs with “Meredith” on them, since that is a common last name in Wales. I wonder if they were any relation to me, since I have ancestors from Wales with the last name of Meredith! I meant to get a picture of one of the signs for my mom, but I didn’t get a chance to. Anyway, we ate at a nice—though overpriced—pub in Brecon called the Puzzle Tree. I had Welsh sausage and mash, and it was very good. I really wanted to overhear someone speaking in Welsh but alas, I didn’t. But it was really worth it because Wales was beautiful. I thought it was hilly around Hatfield but now I realize it’s practically flat here in comparison!

My Aunt Karen and I are still trying to work out the final few details for our trip, booking train tickets and the like. I can’t believe how close it is! I still have a lot to do. Anyway, I probably won’t have a great many interesting things to say before then. March has been insane...wonderful but insane, and I’m starting to think April will be the same!

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